(Quick Reference)

4 XWiki Transformation - Reference Documentation

Authors: Masatoshi Hayashi

Version: 1.0-RC2

4 XWiki Transformation

XWiki Transfromation modefies some XDOM(AST representing the input) to generate modified XDOM.

See also XWiki Rendering Architecture for more details about XWiki Transformation.

In this Grails XWiki Rendering Plugin, xwikiRenderer and xwikiStreamRenderer services can take some XWiki Transformations.


class TestTransformation extends AbstractTransformation {

def parameter

public TestTransformation(parameter){ this.parameter = parameter }

public void transform( Block block, TransformationContext transformationContext) throws TransformationException { block.addChild(new RawBlock(parameter, Syntax.XHTML_1_0)); } }


def transformation = new TestTransformation("test parameter")
def output = xwikiRenderer.render("** Source Text **", transformation)