(Quick Reference)

3 XWiki Macro - Reference Documentation

Authors: Masatoshi Hayashi

Version: 1.0-RC2

3 XWiki Macro

You can use some XWiki macros to extend the wiki syntax.

= Comment Macro DEMO =
comment here...(not be rendered)

There are some ways to add a XWiki Macro in your grails project.

  • Adding a configuration in BuildConfig.groovy in order to use XWiki official macros. See Configuration for the details.
  • Adding a library jar file of the XWiki Macro to your application (that is, edit "BuildConfig.groovy" or add a jar file to lib directory).
  • Adding a macro code to grails-app/xwiki directory in your application.

When you create your own macro, ExtendingMacro would be useful.

3.1 Adding XWiki macro libraries

Edit "BuildConfig.groovy" or add a jar file to lib directory to add a dependency to the macro.


dependencies {
    compile("com.example:xwiki-macro-xxx:xxx") // a macro jar

You can also add the macro library jar file into YOUR-GRAILS-PROJECT/lib directory.

3.2 Adding XWiki macro codes

Add a groovy class that extends DefaultXWikiMacro or DefaultXWikiNoParameterMacro to grails-app/xwiki directory in the grails project.

You need to create the class with a nullary constructor.

Check out the sample macro code for more details.

If you add the codes to grails-app/xwiki in your project, the macros can be used in this way:

= Date Macro DEMO =
{{date /}}

= Code Macro DEMO =
{{code mode="java"}}
class TestClass {

} {{/code}} </xwiki:render>